How to Write Emails Like the Vice President ✉️🦅

Inside: 10 Reasons Email Marketing Still Matters 📧

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August 29th, 2024

Have you ever thought how a political email could stand out amongst all the other emails that people receive in their inbox?

When I stumbled upon the article Why Kamala Harris’s Marketing Emails Are Hitting the Mark from Chief Marketer, I couldn’t help but dig deeper. Thus, there is a good question: what drives the Harris’s emails’ success? In essence it is low on words, very high on content, relevance and dollop of truth.

Kamala Harris isn’t simply sending out letters; she is creating messages that beg for consideration. Do you know that glorious moment when a subject line is so unexpected and on point that you physically stop what you are doing? That’s exactly what Harris is doing—writing viral, deep headlines for us to cut through the distractions with. Her subject lines are not just attention grabbers but also topics for conversation that come with attitude and with a twist.

From the ease of automation to the power of personalization, email marketing isn't just about sending messages—it's about building lasting relationships that drive conversions. Ready to explore why email marketing is here to stay? Let’s dive in and discover the enduring power of this essential tool!

📰 Upcoming in this issue

  • The Email Strategy Making Kamala Harris Unforgettable 📧

  • Mastering Cold Sales Emails: Personalization is the Key 🔑

  • Why Email Marketing Isn't Going Anywhere 💌

The Email Strategy Making Kamala Harris Unforgettable 📧 read the full 488-word article here

Article published: August 6, 2024

When I came across Why Kamala Harris’s Marketing Emails Are Hitting the Mark from Chief Marketer, I knew I had to dive in. This article unpacks the secret sauce behind the Harris campaign’s email prowess—spoiler alert: it’s all about brevity, relevance, and a hefty dose of authenticity.

Kamala Harris isn’t just sending emails; she’s making a statement with each subject line.

No fluff, just sharp, witty headlines that slice through the noise.

Her July 25th gem, “Statement on 78-Year-Old Criminal’s Fox News Appearance,” not only grabs attention but subtly zings her opponent with just nine words.

And let’s not overlook her July 27th jab: “Statement on Trump’s Unhinged Speech in Minnesota.”

It’s clear that Harris is leveraging her sharp legal mind and embracing a TikTok-like brevity to stand out.

These emails are more than just campaign updates—they’re conversation starters.

Key Takeaways:

  • 📝 No-nonsense approach: Harris’s subject lines are short, sharp, and pack a punch, often conveying two messages in under 10 words.

  • 🗣️ Highly quotable: Her headlines are crafted to be repeatable and shareable, extending their reach far beyond the inbox.

  • 😎 Personality shines through: Humor and authenticity define her subject lines, distinguishing her from other candidates.

  • 🔄 Mastering relevance: Harris taps into current events with timely, on-point subject lines that resonate with her audience.

Mastering Cold Sales Emails: Personalization is the Key 🔑 watch the full 29-min video here

Video published: July 31, 2024

When it comes to cold email outreach, it's not just about blasting out messages—it's about making genuine connections.

In the video "994. #TFCMS - Improving Your Cold Sales Email Outreach!" by The Freight Coach, I dive into how personalization, solid infrastructure, and lightning-fast response times can transform your approach.

Think of cold email not as a sales tool but as a connection builder.

Understanding your ideal customer profile (ICP) is crucial, as it allows you to craft messages that resonate deeply.

Don’t forget the structure: purpose, problem, solution, social proof, and call to action.

And speed? It’s everything. Respond in under two minutes to dramatically increase your chances of closing a deal.

Finally, with the rise in cybersecurity threats, ensuring your email infrastructure is secure has never been more important.

Key Takeaways:

  • 🛡️ Email infrastructure is king: Limit to 20 emails per inbox per day to avoid spam filters (05:53).

  • 📧 Personalization wins: Use tools like to send emails that feel genuinely researched (19:58).

  • 🗣️ Subject line matters: "Hi [First Name]" has proven to be the most effective subject line (17:59).

  • 🧠 Purpose-driven structure: Craft emails with a clear purpose, problem, solution, social proof, and a direct ask (18:28).

Why Email Marketing Isn't Going Anywhere 💌 read the full 736-word article here

Article published: August 8, 2024

"10 reasons why email marketing is still highly relevant" from BizCommunity provides a compelling reminder that email marketing remains a critical tool in the digital marketer's toolkit.

The article dives into the undeniable strengths of email, starting with its affordability and sky-high ROI.

It’s hard to beat the direct connection that emails create—straight to your subscriber’s inbox, cutting through the noise of social media.

The real kicker? The power of personalization and automation, which can transform simple newsletters into dynamic, conversion-driving machines.

As we scroll through the list, it’s clear that email marketing offers something unique: a blend of personalization, reliability, and proven results that few other channels can match.

But the most intriguing point? The idea that email marketing is not just about staying in touch, but about building long-term, meaningful relationships with your audience.

Key Takeaways:

  • 💰 Email's affordability: Costs are minimal, enabling wide reach without hefty investments, perfect for tight budgets and expansive goals.

  • 📈 Impressive ROI: Email consistently outperforms other marketing channels in terms of return on investment, maximizing your marketing spend.

  • 🎯 Direct and personal: Emails land in inboxes, offering direct communication that is both personal and targeted, enhancing engagement.

  • 🤖 Automation advantages: Automated emails do the heavy lifting, maintaining consistent engagement and driving conversions with minimal effort.

My Last $.02

Reflecting on what we have seen in these articles it can be safe to conclude that email marketing is not just hanging on a thread, but rather it is evolving and growing in ways that remain fascinating. Kamala Harris’s email strategy is a masterclass in capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression. Her no-nonsense subject lines, infused with wit and authenticity, do more than just inform—they provoke thought and spark conversation.

Just to clarify, it is not all about delivering emails; it is about delivering messages that will not just be read, but those which will speak, capture attention and sell. All in all, get oriented with the strategies and do not neglect to use them in your next marketing campaign. 📧💡

Until next time, happy emailing!


Adam Rosen
Email Outreach Company
New York, New York

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